FALL / WINTER 2019-2020
Science Detective Academy!!
This September, by popular demand, we are bringing back Kids Talk Science Detective Academy!
During 17 classes, the kids will learn and test several forensic science techniques and, once they've learned the ropes, together they'll solve a very mysterious paleontological crime that remained unsolved for over a hundred years. And there's more.
After they find the culprit (or culprits), they will make a movie to explain how they solved the case!
Through activities, experiments and conversations, we'll learn:
O How to collect and preserve evidence from a crime scene;
O How to study and interpret fingerprints, bloodstains, hair, footprints, DNA, and more;
O How to put all the information together to solve a crime!
If you are ready, register now!
If you have any questions, read more down below or contact us!
About the Program
O How do we teach at KTS?
Each session, we tackle a different science topic through hands-on activities, demonstrations, experiments, and videos. Then the kids find the most fun way of explaining it to the world.
In Kids Talk Science, storytelling takes center stage. There’s a role for everybody and room for every personality.
To learn more, watch the kids' productions! And check out our blog to see what we do class by class.
O Who is it for?
Kids Talk Science is open to children 7 and up who are interested in science and storytelling in any of its forms. We have two age groups: 7-9 and 9-11 year olds. No prior science knowledge is necessary. Check our schedule for different class options.
O When does it run?
Classes run three times a week from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. Kids have snacks and play from 3:00 to 3:30 pm and then do activities until 5:00 pm. An extra hour is available (until 6:00 pm) at a cost of $10 per class. Check out our schedule to find a class that suits you.
O What do we provide?
Light, healthy snacks and water, plus some extra snacks when there's an activity related to food (which happens often!) But ravenous kids or kids with dietary restrictions should bring their own food.
O How much does it cost?
The Fall session (17 weeks), starts in early September, one week after school begins, and ends at the end of January. Check the dates for the different classes below.
The cost is $750.
You can make one payment in full or choose to pay in three installments at no extra cost.
We accept cash and checks and payments via Paypal. There is an additional Paypal transaction fee of 2.9% + $.30. Please see our class policy for more detailed payment information.
Class schedule
Tuesday classes (9-11 years old)
Snacks, all materials, pick up and walking from PS 84 is included at no extra cost.
Class dates:
September: 10, 17, 24
October: 8, 15, 22, 29
November: 12,19, 26
December: 3, 10, 17
January: 7, 14, 21, 28
There will be no Tuesday classes on October 1st (Rosh Hashanah), November 5th (election day), December 24th and 31st (winter recess).
Thursday classes (7-9 years old)
Snacks, all materials, pick up and walking from PS 84 is included at no extra cost.
Class dates:
September: 12, 19, 26
October: 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
November: 7, 21
December: 5, 12, 19
January: 9, 16, 23, 30
There will be no Thursday classes on November 14th (parent-teacher conferences), November 28th (Thanksgiving), December 26th (winter recess), January 2nd.
We are also partnering with schools for in-school after school programs and/or residencies.
Interested? Contact us!